Drivers urged to have their say on EV future in flash survey
EVA England, the dedicated EV drivers’ association, has launched a flash survey asking all drivers to help identify the remaining barriers to widespread EV uptake in the UK.

The research will look at perceptions of the EV sector to inform the Government’s ZEV mandate consultation
The research will gather evidence on perceptions of the EV sector in the context of the Government’s open ZEV mandate consultation – and will inform the association’s response to the consultation.
EVA England’s survey seeks to identify what barriers are still placing doubt among petrol, diesel and hybrid drivers that going fully electric does not match their current needs, lifestyle, or budget.
This will be used to inform the Government and wider EV sector on real-world perceptions over what actions and incentives are working to actively persuade more drivers to switch to electric.
Vicky Edmonds, chief executive of EVA England, said: “The ZEV mandate consultation is a huge opportunity for the EV sector and wider UK driver community to have their say on the future of EVs.
“The consultation was launched to gather views on how to make the transition to electric a success and it is now up to us as drivers to express what we feel is working, and what needs changing, for EVs to meet everyone’s needs. That is why getting input from drivers through our survey is important.”
To access the EVA England flash survey, please click here.
As part of its current policy engagement, EVA England is also holding its first members’ town hall event on 29 January, inviting government officials to provide further context on the current ZEV mandate consultation. This will be followed by two member workshops early February to further inform demand-side policies to spur EV uptake that drivers are most likely to be responsive to.
To give more drivers the opportunity to take part in this exercise, the association is offering half-price membership for the first year (now £10, normally £20) before 5 February using the code ZEVMANDATE50 and sign-up link.