Electric vehicles increasingly ‘normalised’ but practical concerns linger
Electric vehicles are becoming ‘normalised’ in the UK as half of drivers now either own an EV, or know someone who does.

The survey found 49% of drivers know someone who owns an EV or themselves do so, and 55% say they feel positive about them
A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and Persuasion UK found most voters (55%) are instinctively positive towards EVs, seeing them as good for UK energy independence and for the environment.
The same analysis found that those who are less enthusiastic about EVs are driven mainly by practical concerns – including fears about cost and convenience – rather than by any underlying ‘culture war’ issues.
It suggests that policies to address those concerns would be likely to prove effective at overcoming obstacles to even wider EV ownership and use.
The research involved baseline polling of 4,000 people and randomised message testing of nearly 6,500 people by YouGov, with analysis by Persuasion UK and the IPPR.
The findings, published during the Government’s 2030 phase-out consultation with the automotive industry, are said to provide the most detailed and up-to-date analysis of public opinion towards EVs so far, revealing significant but still fragile public support.
The survey shows that familiarity with EVs extends across drivers of all income levels and social backgrounds: 40% of non-graduates and 44% of those on average incomes either have a friend or family member who drives one, or do so themselves.
Two in three (64%) voters who switched from Conservative to Labour at the election are positive towards EVs, but Conservative to Reform switchers hold consistently anti-EV views.
However, voters can be swayed against EVs in practice by consumer-focused arguments, notably on their cost, their range and on issues around charging.
The IPPR said the findings support its proposals to make EVs more practical for drivers. It’s called for action on areas including lowering VAT on public chargers from 20% to 5%, in line with the rate levied on drivers able to charge at home, as part of a drive to make external charging more affordable.
Other practical ways to drive up EV take-up, as set out by the IPPR, include establishing social leasing schemes for drivers on low incomes who need to drive high mileages, such as rural carers, to help those who depend most on cars but have least resources.
And it wants the Government to regulate to ensure that all public chargers are compatible with the variety of different charging apps available.
The research also suggests that more potential EV drivers would be encouraged to make the switch by emphasising increasing levels of take-up and the steps being taken by the Government to tackle issues of charging and cost, while also reminding them of the benefits to the environment and UK energy independence.
Sam Alvis, IPPR associate director for environment, energy security and nature, said: “We know the public wants it to be cheaper and easier to get around, and that people see EVs as a positive step they can take towards energy security.
“Government needs to help them in taking that step by sorting out off-putting problems with charging, and making it easier for a wider range of people to buy an EV.”
Steve Akehurst of Persuasion UK remarked: “Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly normalised across the UK but it would be a mistake for the Government to assume that the matter is settled. To avoid a backlash, the Government must minimise the cost and inconvenience of EVs while persuading the public that EVs will help protect the environment and create energy independence.”
EVA England said the research shows that EVs are a serious and attractive prospect for most drivers.
Vicky Edmonds, CEO of the electric vehicle advocacy, said: “With EV misinformation often a common focal point in this space, it is especially encouraging that a majority surveyed are instinctively positive about EVs – supporting our own findings that show nine in 10 EV drivers wouldn’t return to petrol.
“But the report also highlights that mass uptake of these cars will only occur if people can see that they will work for them, and so addressing consumer concerns around cost, access to charging and practicality continue to be vital.”
The full report is online here.