E.ON Delivers First German Motorway Charging Points

By / 14 years ago / International News / No Comments

The first station of its kind was installed yesterday (August 24) at the Irschenberg exit of the A8 motorway in Bavaria, in southern Germany.

For the first time on German motorways direct-current charging equipment is now available for electric car users. With a charging capacity of up to 50 kW, these stations enable electric cars to recharge within 20 to 30 minutes.

During an initial trial phase, the rapid charging will cost a flat fee of five euros (EUR5). The electricity used in the stations will be generated using renewable production and will come exclusively from E.ON’s own hydroelectric plants.

In the future, E.ON intends to further develop public charging stations and deliver an even faster solution, with recharging taking only a few minutes instead of several hours. The recharging would then be similar to today’s petrol refuelling.

Klaus Dieter-Maubach, member of the E.ON AG board of management, responsible for Research and Technology, said: ‘Such public stations are attractive to customers and energy suppliers alike only if they have short recharging times. We are therefore pursuing this approach with particular interest.’

Ruth Werhahn, manager of E.ON’s E-mobility projects, commented: ‘Fast charging stations definitely make electric vehicles more versatile. Fast charging stations make it possible to cope well with greater distances of 150 to 200 km, for example from Munich to Salzburg or from Stuttgart to Frankfurt.’  

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