Uber, Ikea, Coca Cola and others urge EU for 2030 fleet EV mandate
Leading companies including Uber, Ikea, Coca Cola and LeasePlan have joined forces to call for all new corporate cars and vans in the EU to be zero-emission by 2030.

The group, which spans leading companies with large car fleets, says electrification of corporate cars represents a massive opportunity
The coalition of 30 global businesses and organisations say the European Commission should consider electrification targets for corporate cars as part of the Greening Corporate Fleets Initiative.
The European Parliament has this week approved a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035 – but the group, which spans leading companies with large car fleets, are now asking President Von der Leyen to ensure all new corporate cars are electric by 2030
In their open letter, they argue that electrification of corporate cars represents a massive opportunity. A total six out of 10 cars sold in Europe are company cars, with those vehicles driving twice as much as private cars. The purchasing of EVs as corporate cars has a knock-on effect for the rest of the market, as these cars generally go to the second-hand market after just 3-5 years.
Stef Cornelis, director of electric fleets at T&E, said: “For too long, corporate cars have not been on Europe’s agenda. This has to change. The European Commission should acknowledge the big potential of electrifying fleets not only for the climate but also for its citizens as it will bring affordable second-hand EVs to the market.”