UK project aims to futureproof the electrical grid
The CarConnect project is looking to recruit 700 EV drivers, and is aiming to investigate ways to reduce the potential investment required in the grid from mass adoption of plug-in vehicles – claimed to be £2.2bn by 2050.
It will test demand control technology which can reduce charging power, stop charges or even feed energy back into the grid at certain times of day, investigating where the network needs to be upgraded and whether drivers’ usage is affected.
Roger Hey, Western Power Distribution’s Future Networks Manager: “Distributing all the energy required for plug-in-vehicles would significantly alter how our network operates. CarConnect will provide us with the tools to model, monitor and act to minimise the impact of growing plug-in-vehicle electricity demand on customers’ bills.”
The project is being delivered by EA Technology, Drive Electric and Lucy Electric Gridkey, with TRL in an oversight role, and is funded by the Network Innovation Allowance.
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